Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'Jeopardy!' To Pit Humans Against IBM Machine

Posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday December 14, @09:38AM
from the there-can-be-only-one dept.
digitaldc writes"The game show Jeopardy! will pit man versus machine this winter in a competition that will show how successful scientists are in creating a computer that can mimic human intelligence. Two of the venerable game show's most successful champions — Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter — will play two games against 'Watson,' a computer program developed by IBM's artificial intelligence team. The matches will be spread over three days that will air Feb. 14-16, the game show said on Tuesday. The competition is reminiscent of when IBM developed a chess-playing computer to compete against chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997."

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