Thursday, September 13, 2012

Self-control may not be a limited resource after all

Self-control may not be a limited resource after all: So many acts in our daily lives – refusing that second slice of cake, walking past the store with the latest gadgets, working on tax forms when you'd rather watch TV – seem to boil down to one essential ingredient: Self-control. But what is self-control, really? And how does it work? Researchers argue that the prevailing model of self-control may not be as precise as researchers once thought.

Official U.S. Poverty rate remains high, middle class incomes decline

Official U.S. Poverty rate remains high, middle class incomes decline: Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau today show that, after increasing since 2008, the poverty rate for the U.S. remained stable at 15 percent between 2010 and 2011.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Older overweight children consume fewer calories than their healthy weight peers

Older overweight children consume fewer calories than their healthy weight peers: Younger children who are overweight or obese consume more calories per day than their healthy weight peers. But among older overweight children the pattern is reversed: They actually consume fewer calories per day than their healthy weight peers.

Fighting Alzheimer's before its onset: Executive function tests key to early detection of Alzheimer’s, study shows

Fighting Alzheimer's before its onset: Executive function tests key to early detection of Alzheimer’s, study shows: By the time older adults are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the brain damage is irreparable. For now, modern medicine is able to slow the progression of the disease but is incapable of reversing it. What if there was a way to detect if someone is on the path to Alzheimer's before substantial and non-reversible brain damage sets in?

Nano-velcro clasps heavy metal molecules in its grips

Nano-velcro clasps heavy metal molecules in its grips: Researchers have devised a simple, system based on nanoparticles, to detect mercury as well as others pollutants. This technology makes it possible to easily and inexpensively test for these substances in water and, importantly, also in the fish that we eat.