Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Star Wars: What would hyperspace travel really look like?

Star Wars: What would hyperspace travel really look like?: The sight of the Millennium Falcon making the “jump to lightspeed” is one of the most iconic images from the Star Wars trilogy.

"Red October" Espionage Malware Campaign Uncovered

"Red October" Espionage Malware Campaign Uncovered: L3sPau1 writes "For five years, it hid in the weeds of networks used by Eastern European diplomats, government employees and scientific research organizations, stealing data and infecting more machines in an espionage campaign rivaling Flame and others of its ilk. The campaign, called Rocra or Red October by researchers at Kaspersky Lab, focused not only on workstations, but mobile devices and networking gear to gain a foothold inside strategic organizations. Once inside, attackers pivoted internally and stole everything from files on desktops, smartphones and FTP servers, to email databases using exploits developed in Chinese and Russian malware, Kaspersky researchers said."

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New clean nuclear fusion reactor designed

New clean nuclear fusion reactor designed: Researchers have patented a nuclear fusion reactor by inertial confinement that, apart from be used to generate electric power in plants, can be applied to propel ships. This invention helps solve the problem of contamination risk associated with the generation of nuclear fission power.

Microsoft Patents Tech That Would Silence Your Phone For You

Microsoft Patents Tech That Would Silence Your Phone For You: tsamsoniw writes "Microsoft has filed a patent for a mobile technology called Inconspicuous Mode, aimed at helping you not be 'that guy' who disrupts movies, meals, or meetings with noisy, bright-screened phone alerts. It's a setting that would effectively put your phone in stealth mode when the device sensed it was in a movie theater (thanks to location information) and that the lights had gone down. The idea is, you could still receive alerts if a call or text came in, but no one around you would be disturb by phone sounds or screen flashes."

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If we go over the fiscal cliff, will people spend or save? Childhood environments may hold the key

If we go over the fiscal cliff, will people spend or save? Childhood environments may hold the key: In the face of hard times, which strategy gives us the best shot at survival: saving for the future or spending resources on immediate gains? The answer may depend on the economic conditions we faced in childhood, according to new research.

Childhood obesity linked to more immediate health problems than previously thought

Childhood obesity linked to more immediate health problems than previously thought: A new study focuses on the immediate consequences of childhood obesity and shows that obese youngsters are at far greater risk than had been supposed.

Monday, January 14, 2013

How tadpoles re-grow their tails: Implications for human healing

How tadpoles re-grow their tails: Implications for human healing: Scientists have made a surprising finding after studying how tadpoles re-grow their tails which could have big implications for research into human healing and regeneration.

Gas that triggers ozone destruction revealed

Gas that triggers ozone destruction revealed: Scientists have made a significant discovery about the cause of the destruction of ozone over oceans.