Tuesday, November 27, 2007

10 stupid gifts that will end up in the trash

Despite the tireless efforts of your favorite bloggers, who've combed the endless Internets in search of eco-friendly gifts, some people will still purchase mind-numbingly stupid presents for their loved ones. Why do I care? After all, maybe your brother-in-law really thought you'd like that fart machine. The problem, however, is that these dumb gifts inevitably end up in the trash.

Thankfully, your friends at Stupid.com have made a list of the Top 10 "stupidest" gifts for 2007, so you know the kinds of pointless crap you should avoid giving your family.

  1. Mistletoe To Go: comes with a suction cup for your forehead
  2. The Hillary Nutcracker: cracks nuts, runs for president
  3. Slingshot Monkey: obviously
  4. Larry Craig Action Figure: denies being gay
  5. Uncle Oinker's Gummy Bacon Candy: it even looks like bacon
  6. Inflatable Moosehead: no need to shoot a real one
  7. Electronic Yodeling Pickle: does exactly what you'd think
  8. Poo-lar Bear Candy: tasty polar bear poop
  9. Get Off the Phone Excuse Machine: for slow-witted people
  10. USB dancer: nerd alert

Gallery: 10 dumbest gifts

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