Monday, August 25, 2008

Organic food not more nutritious, says study

A new study out of the University of Copenhagen, as reported by CNN, found that five organically-grown foods contained no more nutrients than their conventionally-grown counterparts. The researchers studied five crops -- carrots, kale, peas, apples and potatoes.

But don't skip those organics just yet! The study did not compare the levels of pesticides or chemicals in conventional versus the organic foods. While the nutrient part of the study is no doubt important, pesticide exposure is a major reason for eating organic food.

As far as the environment, studies remain mixed on whether or not organic farming is better.

Regarding the health of your wallet, if organics are bringing you down, check out the list of the Dirty Dozen, the twelve fruits and vegetables that are most important to buy organic in terms of pesticide residues.
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