Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The man who keeps all of his trash in his basement

With a headline like that, this sounds like a story of those people who end up on intervention shows on daytime TV due to hoarding issues. But no, in this case, it is an experiment in sustainability.

Meet Dave Chameides, a man who never tosses anything in the trash. So where does his trash go? According to a recent profile in Time, Chameides decided that he would keep all of the garbage he created, whether at home or on the road...and he would keep it in his house

Chameides uses a worm composter for organic waste and recycles everything he can. But the rest of his trash goes into his basement in his L.A. home. The project has been going on for almost a year. His wife and kids are exempt.

So why is Dave doing this? Dave says he wants to understand more about his "waste footprint." You read more about Dave's adventures in trash-collecting on his blog Sustainable Dave.

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