Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monster comeback: Scientists want to clone a woolly mammoth

This isn't the first time I've vented on Green Daily about how much it sucks that stupid earlier generations killed off awesome animals like the buffalo -- or super animals. Now, scientists in Japan's Riken institute are working on a way to bring species, no matter how far gone -- even super beasts like the Woolly Mammoth. That's right, after producing a mouse from a cell that had been frozen for 16 years, scientists think they've got what it takes to clone a mammoth.

In order to complete the mission, scientists will have to successfully implant a mammoth nucleus into the egg of an elephant, then implant the egg into an elephant's uterus. Give it a few months, then --whammy! -- you've got the first woolly mammoth to walk the earth in about 3,700 years. Scientists think that the specimen would even be able to breed (based on the clone mouse). 

Doesn't it seem absurd that we might be able to successfully restore a species that has been extinct for thousands of years, yet when it comes to species on the planet today, we can hardly manage to keep them from hurdling to extinction?

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