Thursday, January 22, 2009

Doomsday Called Off: Part 1 of 5

Skeptics of man made global warming are getting a stronger foothold if the number of articles I've seen in the last week can be considered proof. Of course, it's hard to make a case for global warming in the dead of winter but what this video shows is some interesting work that's being done in Greenland.

Scientists have built a research station on ice several three kilometers thick and are carving out tubes of ice to study the temperature. Apparently, by extracting a sample, you can learn what the climate was in Greenland 100 or even 2,000 years ago.

The results? The coldest Greenland has ever been in the last 8,000 years was in 1875, just about when we started documenting temperature. The temperature has risen since but not nearly as high as to what it's been in the past. Samples taken from the viking age (around 1000 A.D.) show that temperatures were on average 1.5 Celsius degrees warmer than today. Is the melting ice in Greenland due to man's influence or are we merely coming out of a mini ice age?

[via: Ecology Newspaper]

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