Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Run Your Honda Accord on Trash

If you've watched the end of the original Back to the Future lately and wondered why we haven't developed a garbage-consuming fuel system for our cars yet, then your wait is over. Kinda. Over atinstructables.com, a few enterprising young DIYers have created an easy kit and how-to (or instructable) on converting a Honda Accord to run on trash.

Sure it may not be the most practical thing for the tool-impaired, but it's just inspirational to see these guys build this 'gasifier' to run their car much like people did during WWII when fuel was rationed. This guide goes through every step, including the all-important safety precautions, and even provides a video of the finished product to see the car driving down the road, burning trash. You can also check outtheir website for more information on their Gasifier Experimenter's Kit (GEK).

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