Monday, January 25, 2010

Prison Bans D&D For Mimicking Gang Structure

They have obviously never played or they would know that the DM builds the world that the players interact with. If the DM "gives directions" to the players beyond the rules, it is not fun any longer.
Posted by kdawson on Tuesday January 26, @05:21AM
from the step-away-from-the-polyhedral-dice dept.
Trepidity writes"In a case that has been winding its way through the courts for a while now, a Wisconsin prison banned inmates from playing Dungeons & Dragons, using the justification that 'one player is denoted the Dungeon Master... [who] is tasked with giving directions to other players... [which] mimics the organization of a gang.' The prison also cited some sparse evidence that a handful of non-inmate D&D players once committed some crimes that allegedly were related to their D&D playing. On Monday the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the regulation (PDF) against challenges from inmates. The court appeared skeptical of the ban, sarcastically referring to it as the 'war on D&D,' but upheld it nonetheless as having a 'rational basis.' Law professor Ilya Somin suggests that the court may have had no choice, given how deferential rational-basis review usually is."

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