Monday, January 28, 2008

Column from front lines of climate change

I just found out that Orion magazine is running a column by the author Seth Kantner, who wrote a book in 2005 called Ordinary Wolves, about growing up in the bush in Alaska (the book is an amazing read, if you're in search of a good one). The environmental mag has commissioned Kantner to write, twice a month, about the real effects of climate change on his life in Kotzebue, Alaska. The columns will be available online.

There are only three columns so far, so you're getting in on the ground floor if you start reading now, and they're not really political - they're much more focused on the real, day-to-day effects of changing climate on the community up there. It's easy to get lost in the glut of pictures of drowning polar bears, but it somehow means all the more to see a picture of one of Kantner's neighbors trying to get his snowmobile out of a patch of broken ice.

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