Monday, January 28, 2008

Finally! The solar-powered pee-recycler you've been waiting for

The next time you're stuck in some post-apocalyptic scenario, and are forced to fend for yourself in the wake of society's untimely demise, don't worry -- you'll still have drinking water.

That is, as long as you purchase the Landfall -- a solar-powered still that floats on the ocean collecting sea water, which it then converts into liquid you can drink. But that's not all! If you're really in a bind, you could just pee in the Landfall, leave it out in the sun, and presto -- drinking water for you!

OK, weird end-of-the-world scenarios aside, if you regularly take long boat trips, or happen to live on the ocean (or a lake, or whatever), and don't want to rely on the city for your drinking water, this might actually come in handy.

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