Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wired gets eco-contrarian

There's an excellent piece in Wired this week which takes some of the received truths around saving the planet and turns them on their head. To give you an idea, the story says if we really want to do some good, we should chop down old-growth forests, embrace nuclear power, forget about eating organic, and forgo hybrids in favour of used compacts car which have already paid off their carbon debt.

Interesting reading, and not surprisingly the article has already stirred a little controversy in the green-osphere, in part because it focuses mainly on the threat posed by greenhouse gases and climate change, and doesn't take an entirely holistic view on the meta-crisis that's threatening us. To their credit, Wired has already posted a counterpoint which raises that very issue.

Whether you agree, disagree, or both, the points made in the story - and by those who looking to debate them - are well worth reading, and offer insight into the immense complexity of environmental issues.

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