Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The hot tub-sized nuclear reactor in a box

While the concept of nuclear power stirs up lots of intense emotions, the debate over the America's nuclear energy future has fizzled over the last few months -- probably as a result of the worldwide bottleneck in reactor supply. That could all change in 2013, when a company named Hyperion Power Generation plans to flood the market with small-scale nuclear reactors that could power 20,000 homes a piece.

These reactor capsules would be about the size of a VW Bug and would be buried underground to prevent tampering (or maybe to limit potential exposure to radiation?). The idea is as terrifying as it is intriguing -- just check out the creepy concept artwork to the right. According to Hyperion, the modules would be replaced every 5 years, the decommissioned module shipped back for servicing -- never to be opened on site. Hyperion also claims that the materials inside the module can't be used for proliferation. Hmm, still seems kinda risky.

[via Earth2Tech]

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