Thursday, October 9, 2008

Depression-era tips could also help the planet

walletNothing like an financial crisis to get you on the road to more efficient eating, shopping and living. You can save money, save the planet, and just be a better human by making a few changes in your life.

Where to start? Green Daily isoverflowing with tips (obviously).

While few of us want to use the "D" word, Plenty magazine gives a helpful look at some of the ways Great Depression-era consumers dealt with their newly frugal world. These tougher-time solutions are simple and almost always greener. In other words, being frugal isn't just for old-timey depression-era folks anymore. 

Take water bottles -- we still spend billions of dollars and way too much oil on something that most Americans get from their faucets. Plenty also looks at reusable coffee cup, making meals from scratch, eating locally, growing Victory gardens and buying in bulk - all necessities in the dirty thirties, but still pretty easy to do if you want to save money and get greener today. 

Unlike our sepia-toned great-grandparents, we also have something called the Internet. Use it to find bulk, organic, inexpensive, locally grown anything and stop thinking of 'frugal' as a bad word.

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