Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A "natural" prescription for ADHD

Nature-deficit disorder, as coined in Richard Louv's book, Last Child in the Woods, is when children lose their connection to the natural world due to lack of free, outdoor time. According to the famous biologist, E.O. Wilson, it's the soccer moms that are killing off bio-education, by taking their kids to all sorts of organized activities, whether indoor or out, and not giving them enough time to be out in nature.

A new study shows that not only can being outdoors prevent "nature-deficit disorder," but it also may help in the treatment of another disorder, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The study evaluated 17 children with ADHD after taking part in three walks; one in a park, one in a residential neighborhood and one in a downtown area. The children were then given a test which measures attention and concentration. The study found that the children were able to focus better after the walk in the park as opposed to walks in the other settings. 

According to author Frances E. Kuo, of the University of Illinois, as quoted in a NY Times Well blog post, "What this study tells us is that physical environment matters." In fact, the researchers found that a "dose of nature" worked just as well or better as a dose of medication.

With the weather getting colder in many parts, remember to keep trying to go outside, no matter what your age!

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